What To Do In The Secret Place

In the prior post, there were a list of tools, items you can make use of in your time with the Lord. First of all, there’s no rules. You are in relationship with a man, a real man, who is very present with you as you pray and worship Him. Every relationship is different depending on how the personality of the people have been formed. Every relationship evolves over time as people get to know each other and maturity sets in. Think of a parent/child, husband/wife, partners in business, each relationship around us is different and so should your’s be with Jesus. Don’t get into a rut, stale, dry, repetitive doing. Relationship is dynamic and exciting when we want to be with that person, it’s an adventure of doing life together. If you are in a rut with your time with Jesus, change it up. Go somewhere together; find a “field trip” to take with Him; change your secret place; get a new Bible reading plan; start a new Bible translation; start a new journal….change it up!! 

When you rise to meet Jesus in the secret place, you have all these tools at your fingertips. Sit down, ask Holy Spirit where He wants to start. Eventually He will tell you where to start even before He asks. Remember, God is excited, ready, and longing to meet with you! He has been working all night while you sleep, working things out for your good. He’s been looking down and longing for your thoughts to begin to swirl in your head, hoping your thoughts will be set on Him. Try saying, ‘good morning Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit’, you will hear them speak back to your heart! They want YOU right in the middle of their fellowship!

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

Romans 8:14

When you have an impression come to mind about where Holy Spirit wants to begin the day - reading the Word, worship, communion, listening, interceding, journaling… start there and move on as He leads. If you cannot yet hear the Spirit speaking, start with communion and worship, then read the Word. Write down anything you think God is showing you. You might only worship one morning. You might only read His Word. Don’t worry about what ‘gets done’, only be concerned that you honored Him and His presence that morning. 

Your relationship should be unique. You and the Lord will have your own communication style, inside knowledge between only you and Him, an intimacy that nobody else has. Enjoy the uniqueness, don’t compare, in fact be so jealous of your relationship with Him and thankful that it is the only one on the planet that looks like it looks!


Set the tone for your prayer time with these playlists.