
We believe the Lord is saying the time is NOW to build a legacy for the coming generations as they become Kingdom Leaders in our communities here at home and around the globe.


Why Forward in Faith?


In recent messages, Pastor Gene and Pastor Corey declared that our church is entering a new time in the history of The Gathering. We believe that, after 10 years here by the bar in South Knoxville, God has said "it's time." It's time for us to find our forever church home for the generations we are raising now. This is not a quick or hasty decision. Our leadership has been in prayer for several months, and we believe this is the Lord's direction.

At this time, we are still praying and seeking direction for every part of this endeavor. We need land; we need a building; and we have faith that God will lead in every step we take forward. That is why we are calling this new season Forward in Faith. The first step of faith we are taking is believing and thanking God in advance to help us raise $700,000 over the next year to purchase land.

In the months to come, you will hear about Forward in Faith consistently. As we follow the leading of the Lord, how can you participate now?  

  1. In October, we are going to pray. Pray that God would continue to go before us in every decision and guide our leadership with wisdom and clarity; pray that faith would begin to rise in this House; and pray about how your family can be a part of laying the foundation in finding a forever home for our church and the generations to come.

  2. In November, we are going partner with our faith to pledge. When we come to the Lord with our individual pledges, we are taking a step of faith believing that He will make our individual, financial sacrifices possible.

  3. In December, we are believing the Lord will provide. As we come to give, we are believing that the Lord will provide all of our pledges.

    We consider each you part of our family. We ask that you join us in building a church home for our family and the generations to be Kingdom Leaders in this community and around the globe. We know that this cannot happen without the Holy Spirit and your help.

At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen.

Isaiah 60:22

At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen. Isaiah 60:22



Pastor Gene & Karen Wolfenbarger

Twenty two years ago, Pastor Gene & Karen moved their family to the mountains of East Tennessee believing God had called them and their family to steward a church where people are set free, healed, delivered, and saved by the love and power of Jesus. After many tests, trials, and failures, that mission has only grown with the strength of our church family. Through their faithful leadership, the Lord has encountered His people in this community and globally.


After 10 years next to the bar in South Knoxville, we believe that the Lord is leading us to find a forever home for our church family. We are committed to this project for the generations to come. We know we are raising Kingdom Leaders, and desire to provide a place for them to worship, pray, fellowship, and grow to be carriers of His Presence and Kingdom in our community and across the globe. Above all, we want our home to be a place where the presence of God rests, and the broken-hearted are welcomed to encounter the love of the Father.


We do not have many practical answers yet, but we have faith that God will lead. We are following His direction with prayer and wisdom from Holy Spirit. That means we need your faith to partner with us! Our faith will have to rise, but we know that God will provide above and beyond what we can ask or imagine. So we are thanking Him now, in advance! We are walking into this season and project with an attitude of gratitude. Thanking Him for every thing that we have already been blessed with and every thing that is to come.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our Pastor, Staff, Elders, and Deacons have been in prayer about beginning the journey to a forever home for our church family for several months. We entered into this process believing that if our Property Managers would compromise with us, it was a clear sign from the Lord. With prayerful consideration, we did not sign a new, annual lease for our current location, and are thanking God for moving on our behalf with the Property Managers to find a short-term solution. Our Leadership Teams meet monthly to discuss what next steps are.

  • We are believing for God to provide every dollar and cent needed to complete this project, and thanking Him in faith that we will pay cash for everything needed. Our Leadership wants to operate in wisdom, and we believe that means ZERO debt will be taken on.

  • Because we are following the Lord’s directions one step at a time, and we are committed to funding these projects with no debt, the start date for these projects depends mostly on the success of our fundraising efforts. Once funding is deemed acceptable, the typical process begins with looking for property, getting engineering bids, permitting, and so forth. This can take a few months or even years, and then construction will begin.

  • Start with prayer. Ask God how you can join our family and help lay the foundation for the generations we are raising now. The second commitment is a sacrificial, financial commitment above and beyond your regular giving. We are not asking for equal gifts from everyone in our church family, but rather equal sacrifice consistent with how God has blessed each of us financially.


Listen to recent messages on Forward In Faith


My Pledge

We invite you to prayerfully consider sowing with a pledge. Together, we will build a place for the generations.


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Attn. Forward in Faith
The Gathering Church
8729 Chapman Highway
Knoxville, TN 37920



Sunday Morning at 10:30AM