What is Salvation?

Being a follower of Christ is a life commitment that the enemy of God can easily distract us from. In these teachings, Pastor Gene Wolfenbarger evaluates what it means to be a fully devoted, truly saved Christian. Christianity is not only about what we believe; it’s about how we behave.


There is no man that can do what Jesus did for each of us 2,000 years ago on the cross. He is worthy of our love, our lives, our time, and our treasures. We should not be choosing to follow His plan when it is convenient for us, or when we have made time for it. We should put aside anything that hinders us, and meet our plans for our lives with His. He is worthy of our faithfulness and full devotion.


What does it mean to be truly saved? Is it praying a special prayer when you were a child? Is it being nice to the person in front of you at the store? Is it rededicating your life as an adult? In this message, Pastor Gene Wolfenbarger dives deep into Hebrews 6 and what it means to be saved.