Truly Saved - Part 1

What does it mean to be truly saved? Is it praying a special prayer when you were a child? Is it being nice to the person in front of you at the store? Is it rededicating your life as an adult? In this message, Pastor Gene Wolfenbarger dives deep into Hebrews 6 and what it means to be saved. Throughout scripture, Jesus never asked anyone to pray a specific prayer. He gave them one command, “Follow Me!” That’s what it means to be truly saved; to radically follow Jesus and His teachings. We often minimize those words, “Follow Me”, but they have as much weight and as much expectation as they did when Jesus spoke them 2,000 years ago. This is a message that we all need to hear and really listen to as we examine our hearts. We pray for a spirit of revival to fall on the homes and hearts of everyone who listens to this message! That we would have a fresh revelation of what it means to follow this Man, Jesus, in a new way and turn to Him with repentant hearts!